What is This > Prestasiegeval
Public Transport, Electrification, On-Time Travel PeterPower’s dedicated charging facilities at bus fleet stops ensure efficient operation and on-time travel, supporting the electrification of urban public transportation.
Convenient Shopping, Green Service, Enhanced Experience PeterPower’s charging stations near large shopping malls provide convenient charging for EV users, enhancing the shopping experience during busy seasons.
Green Transformation, Commercial Application, Reliable Service PeterPower’s charging infrastructure in industrial parks drives corporate green transformation, offering reliable charging for businesses and employees, and supporting EV use in com...
Fuel Transition, New Services, Enhanced Experience PeterPower’s fast charging stations near gas stations and car washes provide a convenient EV transition for traditional fuel vehicle owners, adding new services and improving the customer exper...
Urban Core, Green Travel, Convenient Charging PeterPower’s efficient charging stations in bustling city centers enhance daily commutes for residents and tourists, promoting sustainable urban transportation.
Efficient Operation, Reduced Wait Time, Green Low-Carbon PeterPower’s fast charging stations at taxi fleet points reduce wait times, improve operational efficiency, and help achieve a green, low-carbon operating model.
Long-Distance Driving, Fast Charging, Reliable Service PeterPower’s fast charging stations on busy highways offer long-distance drivers reliable and convenient charging, ensuring a quick and safe journey.
Met die toename in elektriese voertuie en die ondersteuning van toepaslike regeringsbeleide, sal een van ons VAE-kliënte in Julie 2023 laaistapels in plaaslike winkelsentrumparkeerplekke bedryf.
In Mei 2023 het die Viëtnamese klant met die plaaslike wetenskap- en tegnologiepark saamgewerk om laaidienste aan die werknemers van die wetenskap- en tegnologiepark en omliggende skole te verskaf.
In Februarie 2023 is die Nederlandse kliënt se laaistasie voltooi, aanvaar en in gebruik geneem.
In November 2022 is die Thai-kliënt-laaistasie-projek amptelik voltooi, aanvaar en begin werk.
In April 2023 het 'n Russiese vulstasiekliënt 180KW-laaistasie gebou om laaidienste vir alle soorte EV-motors te verskaf.