Power Up Your Car Faster with the 350 kW Charger
Are you fed up with expending long hours for your car or truck to obtain charged? Say hello to the Peterpower 350kw nabíječka, that offers quick, efficient and safe charging for electrical vehicles. Featuring its innovative technology and high quality, this charger is a casino game changer in the wide world of electric cars.
The 350 kw charger is designed to provide faster charging times less energy usage. Contrasted to traditional chargers, the vehicle can be charged by electric it up 80% in only 30 minutes. Moreover, Peterpower domácí AC nabíječka is powerful sufficient to charge multiple cars once, which saves time and increases efficiency at public charging channels. This shows that you are able to reunite within the road quickly with no to worry about running away from power. Plus, it really is suitable for most electric vehicles on the market today, rendering it a versatile option all EV drivers.
This charger represents the latest in billing technology, featuring an innovative cooling system helps maintain a regular temperature while charging. This helps avoid overheating or injury to battery pack, which could lengthen the lifespan associated with motor electric car. Additionally, Peterpower domácí elektrická nabíječka gives advanced safety such as a ground fault interrupter and a final end button, and that can be pressed in case of emergency. These security features make the 350 kw charger an ideal choice public charging stations, as well as personal home charging.
Safety should always be a top priority charging your electric vehicle. With the 350 kw charger, you can easily rest guaranteed you are utilizing a safe and reliable charger. Peterpower elektrická nabíječka pro domácnost made to prevent arc faults, electric shocks, and other potential hazards, therefore you may charge peace of mind to your car.
Using the 350 kw charger is uncomplicated and simple. Simply plug your EV into the charger and begin the charging process. The Peterpower domácí rychlonabíječka will automatically detect your vehicle's battery level and adjust the charged power production accordingly. When the battery is fully charged, the charger will stop automatically, so you do not have to worry about overcharging. Overall, the 350 kw charger is convenient and user-friendly for those who wishes to charge their electric vehicle quickly easily.
Guangzhou PeterPower New Energy Technology Co., Ltd zahrnuje výrobu, výzkum designu, prodej a design. Specializujeme se na vysoce kvalitní nabíjecí stanice, poprodejní servis vlastní OEM / ODM řešení. jsou podporovány 15letým zkušeným týmem elektrotechniků a 12letým zkušeným týmem softwarových inženýrů. se zavázali k neustálému zlepšování práce na vývoji 350kw nabíjecích stanic a efektivní nabíjecí stanice poskytují maximální hodnotu každému zákazníkovi.
have more than 12 years software 350 kw chargerand manufacturing experience. experience has helped us develop CPB. we designed CPB independently address the limitations in off-the shelf options such as inflexibility of customization and performance restrictions. Additionally, our custom developed OCPP backend management platform is compatible internet-enabled devices, collecting data using cloud synchronization. Peterpower's Big Data Platform, when combined with the Station Management System, creates visual complete and automated system. This allows for seamless automated management and control of locations, vehicles and stations.
Využijte špičkovou infrastrukturu nabíjení pro elektromobily Peterpower a vylepšete své podnikání, nabízí flexibilní distribuční technologii, vysoce bezpečnostní ochranu, bezproblémovou kompatibilitu, těžte z různých platebních 350kw nabíječek snadná instalace, zajištění pohodlí na každém kroku, poskytování digitálních inteligentních nabíjecích služeb partnerům pokrok ve vývoji společnosti Peterpower se vždy zaměřují na modulární vývoj automatizovaného rychlého nabíjení, napájecích modulů, aplikačních systémů, integrovaného řetězového nabíjecího zařízení IoT.
bezproblémový systém služeb poskytuje klid v každé fázi. Nabíjecí týmy s výkonem 350 kw mohou poskytnout předprodejní řešení na míru. Při nákupu obdržíte potvrzení objednávky a sledujte ji pro včasné doručení. Po prodeji získáte dlouhodobou technickou podporu a upgrady, marketingovou pomoc a také monitorování v reálném čase. také poskytovat pomoc při instalaci zařízení na místě a také týmy podpory 24/7, které jsou k dispozici pro jakékoli dotazy po prodeji nebo problémech.
The 350 kw charger comes with a niche top-notch site guarantees customer satisfaction. You are able to contact the producer's client service team for assistance if you encounter any problems whilst using the charger. Whether Peterpower rychlonabíječka ev pro domácí použití a pressing technical issue a question about how to make use of the charger, their team is definitely prepared to assist you to. With this particular level of, you will be confident that you will get a stable and dependable product will last for a long time.