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Electric Vehicle Charging Station Interfaces

Feb 19, 2024

The charging process for electric vehicles is crucial, impacting both the vehicle's range and the overall driving experience. Therefore, the type of charging port is of paramount importance.

Here are several interface types:

1. GB/T (China):

In China, the charging interface standards for electric vehicles have been unified to include both DC fast-charging and AC slow-charging interfaces, complying with the national standards GB/T 20234-2006 or GB/T 20234-2011.

2. Tesla Exclusive:

Tesla has its exclusive charging interface, with a maximum technical standard capacity of 120kW and a peak current of 80A.

3. CHAdeMO (Japanese Standard):

Originating from Japan, the CHAdeMO interface is predominantly used in Japanese vehicles, such as those produced by Nissan.

4. Combo (US Standard):

This interface standard, introduced by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in the United States, includes technical parameters such as a maximum voltage of 500V and a maximum current of 200A.

5. Mennekes (European Standard):

Originating from the European Union, the Mennekes interface has widespread adoption across EU countries, with charging stations featuring this interface. Its technical standards include a maximum power of 44kW, a maximum AC voltage of 480V, and currents of 70A (single-phase) and 63A (three-phase).


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